Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today is the day we have been waiting for! Go McCain/Palin!

I don't know about all of you but I can't wait until today is over. Can you you imagine TV without political commercials. "No on this and yes on that!"

Office and politics just don't mix either. Through this election I have told my fellow co-workers that if you don't share my opinion then don't talk to me about politics. That may sound mean but I am far far far from an undecided vote. And I tried to make that very clear in the office without getting HR called on me.

A couple of weeks ago I was in our cafeteria waiting in line to put my breakfast order in and I was debating on whether to have a breakfast quesadilla or just some eggs and bacon, when I overheard two people in front of me talking politics. And I hear the guy say to the gal, "John McCain doesn't even have a back bone." Wow! Was that out of left Field or what? Did the senseless idiot in front of me call the senator who spent 7 years as POW spineless? When I finally realized that I wasn't losing my mind and that he was a complete dummy I gave up waiting to order my delicious breakfast and settled for the oatmeal I had in my desk drawer. Yummy strawberries and cream.

You know I am a McCain supporter when that happens.

Well that is all for today........ this has been another blog of cubicle confessions.



jennykate77 said...

I'm so glad the election is over...not glad how it ended, but still glad it's over. I couldn't stand one more mud-slinging commerical...yuck!

We voted. That's all we could do. Now we just pray and hope for the best.

If things go to hell in a hand basket, then we'll sit back and say, "I told you so." kidding. ok, not really.

Have a great Thursday! :) The weekend is in close proximity!

Unknown said...

I love my wife's passion!!!