Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that today is Thursday. Why you ask? Because tomorrow is Friday and it is the last day of the week that I have to go to work. I can tell you how work was today just by telling you all that I applied for 5 jobs today. Yes 5! I cannot stand it anymore. If I haven't mentioned it before the product that I work for is winding down. In real people language that means we are all going to be out of a job soon. But here is the thing they need the employees they have to wind the product down but yet they don't want it to look that way. I don't ever feel safe in the corporate world today. I never think that a company needs me even if I am the best employee ever. And I have to say I am pretty good. Just kidding, I am not really stuck up like that. Any way since it is thankful Thursday I do have to say that I am glad that I have a job because I know there are people out there that don't and our having a hard time because of the economy right now. But I hear there is CHANGE coming. So we will see what that brings us. Well that is all for now. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Friday! I know I will.



melissa said...

I know everything will work out...I can it not?? You have ME ar a reference!!! lol

love u lots


Lisa Marie said...

did you cut your hair, I love it your pic is so cute...and it will all work...I have faith in God..hugs, lisa